Need help posting a comment?
At the end of each section you will find a small time stamp showing when that entry was posted, next to this is a "comment" underlined that shows the current number of comments (if any). If you click on the "comment" it will load a new page with a window that you use to leave your comment.
Select either "other" or "anonymous". If you choose anonymous then you can just sign your name at the end of your comment. If you choose "other" it will allow you to enter your name. Last, just click on Publish and Post and your new comment will appear in the blog. I sure hope this will be easy for you once you get the hang of it!
At the end of each section you will find a small time stamp showing when that entry was posted, next to this is a "comment" underlined that shows the current number of comments (if any). If you click on the "comment" it will load a new page with a window that you use to leave your comment.
Select either "other" or "anonymous". If you choose anonymous then you can just sign your name at the end of your comment. If you choose "other" it will allow you to enter your name. Last, just click on Publish and Post and your new comment will appear in the blog. I sure hope this will be easy for you once you get the hang of it!
My great great grandmother Marianna
pingrow bonifay. was born in Nancy,
France so my mother told me. She bought a plantation in the Dominican republic. She left there doing the native uprising and landed on the beach what is now called Pensacol,FL She bought land in what use to be Contomente, Fl, also on Pencacola Bay. Where she had a brick yard. The last time I was in Pencacola all that was left of the brick yard was an old chimney with an iron fence around it. My great grandmother had a marker across from the Sam Carlos Hotel but I see they move it to east garden.
Charles Donald Griffin
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